My Entrecard Review

(this post is part of a series on "How to get more traffic for your blog".)


Grade - C

Yes, Entrecard works. You can get a lot of daily views with this if you spend 10 do 15 minutes "dropping" on other blogs.
My problem with entrecard is that you get people to come to your blog, but you don't get them to read it... They come in, look for the entrecard widget, drop you a card and close the site. Number of posts read? ZERO.
And I mean it... the bounce rate from Entrecard visitors is like 95%.
Does that mean that Entrecard isn't worth it? Well... no.
For lots of diferent reasons it's way better to have 60 unique visitors than 10... even if the 50 extra don't even look at your site! Sure active users are what you want but cheer number is important too.
Also think that even if you get from Entrecard 50 "Ghost visits" and 1 that really reads and comments your blog that's one more than you would have if you weren't on Entrecard. And maybe that one will bring a few friends, that will be up to the quality of your content of course.

How to get more traffic from Entrecard:
Some websites create some very usefull Drop Lists that list sites that use Entrecard that follow their criteria, some list sites with Entrecard widget above the fold, some list only sites with a certain theme.
You should try to join as many of those as you can as some people use them to make their daily drops.
Here are the Drop Lists I'm listed in:
Entredropper DropIt - Sabra's 300 Drops Dropzone

If you have any suggestions, liked the post or just want to share your experience leave me a comment!
Also please follow me on Twitter.

(this post is part of a series on "How to get more traffic for your blog".)


Brenda said...

I'm fairly new to Entrecard and I was curious to read what you thought. It was very insightful, and what I've found to be true, too. Although, I try to leave comments on as many blogs as I can, but I know most people don't.

lestat01 said...

If more people took the time to read a single post like you did here Entrecard would be awesome...

Warren Contreras said...

We are the only ones that can change that, which is exactly why I am writing this comment.

Sourav said...

I completely agree with you about the bounce rate increasing a lot with Entrecard.And its true that if someone is visiting 300 sites a day, he/she will be least bothered to read the content of the blog...

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